Meet Lucy
Your Guide for Self Discovery
You’re a woman conscious of the stress in your life and you’re done feeling lost in the busyness keeping you feeling unfulfilled and second guessing yourself.
I'm Lucy and I'm passionate about helping conscious women, like you, ready to make adjustments, release the busyness of life and gain confidence, so they can flourish and feel lit up, loving their way through life.
I have an unshakable belief that we’re so much more than the world would have us believe. We're all here to
experience who we are as Love and Joy. Has your life been giving you that?
I discovered this standing at a crossroad after the passing of my father on my 40th birthday...

My Journey of Self Discovery
I had a wonderful relationship with my dad. He was such an open-hearted man. He had a moustache and smile that would light up a room! Whatever difficulty I was going through, he’d tell me, “Lu, never give up.” And tears would well up in his eyes, just the way they do in mine.
On my fortieth birthday, he passed on and my world came crashing down around me.
My father’s passing was a turning point in my life.
Before that I felt lost in stress and had no idea who I really was or what I wanted. Afterwards,
I felt like I was hit by a ton of bricks revealing years of depression just waiting to be noticed and I
really didn’t see the point of being here.
My father’s words echoed in my mind, “Lu, never give up”.
One day I was in a bookstore searching for insight into how to lift myself and move forward.
I knew there had to be more to life and amidst the raw scent of printed paper I began a search.
I silently asked, "Dad, help me find something that will help."
While looking at different titles, behind me I heard something. I turned as a book literally fell off the shelf.
It was a spiritual book and as I picked it up, I felt chills run up and down my entire body. So, I started there.
A couple years later, scrolling through my timeline on Facebook, an ad popped up. I’d never usually click on an ad, but this was one of those moments where time stood still as this ad grew bigger and seemed to jump out towards me.
I was mindful of the moment and decided to go for it.
It turned out to be the very thing that would help me reunite my mind, body and spirit. A certification course to be a Creative Mindfulness Coach and Practitioner.
Together with the spiritual teachings of oneness, I now held the tools to help others live authentically and…
Go from stress and anxiety to quieting the mind and hearing the whispers of the soul
Go from feeling lost to understanding themselves better - their values and beliefs
Go from feeling stuck and unfulfilled to freeing up the emotions keeping them there
All while feeling lit up with curiosity and play!
Now, I witness my client’s eyes reveal a spark that says, “It’s okay to be fully who I am. I don’t have to carry this guilt, shame, blame, anger or judgment anymore. I can love my way through life”
I’m glad I never gave up on myself and so are my clients.

I’m a trained and certified Creative Mindfulness Coach.
When working with my clients, I use a number of creative modalities similar to art therapy, journalling and mindful practices. All within a smooth flowing conversation like two friends sitting down for a coffee or tea.
Curiosity, laughter and play, which I naturally lean into, help awaken creativity because without those we’re not open to finding deeper answers.
My Training
Here's What I Believe
There are no coincidences. You're here because a higher order cut through the chaos and brought us together. Connecting with people on a deep level is my passion. It's important to me that people are heard, so I listen with an open heart focused on you.
I have the ability to go below the surface of situations to spot recurring patterns
and issues.
With an unshakable belief that we are all here to
experience who we are as Love and Joy, together
we can clear away the fog that separates us from that.
If you’re ready to release stress and impact the world with your radiance so you can love your way through life, I’d be happy to be your guide.
My greatest gift and joy is guiding people to those moments when your own wisdom is awakened with a deep realization
with a shift in perspective that helps you see what hasn’t been working for you,
o you can make way to create a new path forward with less stress and more love.
"Lucy is a wonderful, talented lady that feels the sensitivity of the soul. Through her compassionate and kind nature she is able to make you feel safe, calm and understood. She gently guides you through the difficult pathways until you find home.
I would recommend her to anyone." - Hardeesh B.

Could you use more 'me time'?
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You know you were meant for more - let’s discover that together.
The real you is deep inside and the journey we take together will invite your Soul to dance so you can become whole - Body, Mind, Soul.
In peace,